1.0 Purpose
Computime Group Limited (the “Company”) is aware of the risks and opportunities that climate change brought to its operations and understands the need of mitigating climate change. This policy aims to provide guidance on introducing carbon emission reduction targets as one of the elements of our long term management incentive plans to take actions to mitigate the impacts of climate change and to increase the Company’s adaptability to climate related risks.
2.0 Scope
This climate change policy applies to the Company and its subsidiaries (the “Group”). All business units under the Group are expected to adhere to the principles and actions guided by this policy.
3.0 Responsibility
It is the policy of the Company to:
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the adoption of energy efficiency initiatives in its operations;
- Encourage its employees to adopt green initiatives in its operations, including waste, energy and water saving measures;
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption by establishing carbon reduction and energy saving targets;
- Evaluate renewable energy manufacturing potential for energy efficiency improvement and expanding our use of renewable energy technologies;
- Review and report annually on its progress against targets;
- Incorporate climate change considerations into its procurement processes, including sourcing low carbon products and selecting environmentally friendly suppliers; and
- Engage with internal and external stakeholders to combat climate change;
- Work with other partners (industries, academia, NGOs, government etc.) on climate change mitigation; and
- Working with suppliers to reduce their carbon footprint and to minimize their climate impacts.
- Regularly assess the risks and opportunities brought by climate change to its operations;
- Incorporate climate related considerations into its risk management process and business continuity plans;
- Adopt measures to reduce the identified climate risks and take advantage of the opportunities;
- Work with other partners (industries, academia, NGOs, government etc.) on climate change adaptation;
- Consider all climate risks and opportunities and integrate them in our business strategy;
- Investigate the opportunities for finding solutions for our residual emissions such as biological and/or technological removals;
- Report on our greenhouse gas emissions, targets, results and activities, and its climate risks and opportunities, and mitigation actions.
- Establish Business Resumption Plan, and perform Business Resumption Plan test on a regular basis;
- Set up a Business Recovery Team and specify its responsibilities.
- Strengthen risk assessment, control inspection, and emergency response capacity building;
- Formulate preparatory measures, temporary measures, and recovery measures;
- Provide guidelines on factory management, protection of buildings and structures, and emergency equipment.
4.0 Climate change and its physical risk
- Climate change: Climate change refers to long term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. The consequences of climate change now include, among others, intense droughts, water scarcity, severe fires, rising sea levels, flooding, melting polar ice, catastrophic storms and declining biodiversity.
- We realized two main types of physical risk of climate change, namely acute or chronic:
- Acute physical risks include one off disruptions which are driven by specific weather events or “hazards”, such as heatwaves, floods, typhoons, monsoons, wildfires, droughts and storms;
- Chronic physical risks are more gradual changes and driven by longer term shifts in climate patterns, such as changing rain patterns, rising sea levels and increasing mean temperatures.
- Four main types of transition risks of climate change, namely Policy and Legal risks, Technology risk, Market risk and Reputation risk:
- Policy and legal risks: These are risks to the business as a result of governments responding to climate change through regulations by increasing energy efficiency standards, caps supply or use of resources, or the rice of a carbon.
- Technology risk: Technology will allow existing products and services to be replaced with ones that are more energy efficient and deliver lower emissions. This will have increased research costs and impact demand for existing products.
- Market risk: There is a significant change in consumer behavior and expectations with consumers looking for low carbon goods and services. This could lead to risks of reduced demand for existing products (as greenion andalducts becom, market increased cost of raw materials and production.
- Reputation risk: Stakeholders have higher expectations of how businesses respond to climate change issues. Risks in this area can lead to loss of revenue or market share if these expectations are not addressed.
5.0 Commitment
- Comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations;
- Continuously evaluate and improve our business operations to enhance efficiency and minimize greenhouse gas emission and our environmental footprint;
- Adhere to all applicable local, national, and international laws, regulations, treaties, and industry standards, especially those related to the provision of products or services, pricing, sales, and distribution of our products and/ords;
- Ensure this policy is communicated to all employees.
6.0 Review of Policy
The Group will review this climate change management policy regularly as appropriate.
7.0 Amendment of Policy
ESG Committee is responsible to establish, maintain, review and approve this Policy. If the Policy needs to be revised, the revision shall be updated as A B, C, D and etc.
8.0 References
HKEx Guidance on Climate Disclosures (https://www.hkex.com.hk//media/HKEXMarket/Listing/RulesandGuidance/EnvironmentalSocialandGover nance/ExchangesguidancematerialsonESG/guidance_climate_disclosures. pdf?la=en)